WiRe board member Kathleen Faries will be among the speakers at a 100 Women in Hedge Funds Panel on July 14th.
Internationally leading women in reinsurance will share their insight, strategies for successful leadership and lessons that professionals can contemplate for their own careers.
Participants INCLUDE:
Kathleen Faries, Tokio Millennium Re
Mary Forrest, Munich Re
Sioned Evans, Moderator, KPMG
100 Women in Hedge Funds is a global, practitioner-driven non-profit organization serving over 13,000 alternative investment management investors and professionals in 20 locations through educational, professional leverage and philanthropic initiatives.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
5:15 PM - Registration check in
5:45 PM - Prompt start
Hamilton Princess Hotel, 76 Pitts Bay Road
15 spaces available FOR WIRE MEMBERS (Please R.S.V.P)